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lightweight elasticsearch client built on Akka and Spray

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Sprastic - lightweight elasticsearch client built on Akka and Spray

Getting started

There are two ways to use the client.

  1. As a plain old ActorRef
  2. As an instance of a SprasticClient

As an ActorRef (if you're using Akka in your project, you'll want to use this) :

val client = SprasticClient(context) // <-- this is just an ActorRef 
client ! Get("twitter", "tweet", "1")

If you're using the ActorRef way, the "client" can be created millions of times if need be since it's simply creating a new Actor.

As a SprasticClient (if you're not using Akka in your project, you'll have to use this):

val client = SprasticClient() // <-- instance of a SprasticClient

import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout:FiniteDuration = 10.seconds

client.execute(Get("twitter", "tweet", "1")) onComplete {
  case Success(response) => println(response)
  case Failure(failure) => println(failure)

If you're using the non-ActorRef variant, you'll need to create a single instance and pass it around since, internally, it creates an ActorSystem (which is expensive). You should also probably call shutdown() on the client when you're done with it.

by default this will use the host and port specified in your config in "sprastic", e.g.

    sprastic {
        host = "localhost"
        port = 9200

If you need to use a different config or have several, you can simply create a new Config and use that. For example:

    sprastic-production {
        host = "production-host"
        port = production-port

val client = SprasticClient(context, ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("sprastic-production"))

    sprastic-stage {
        host = "stage-host"
        port = stage-port

val client = SprasticClient(context, ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("sprastic-stage"))

The following examples assume you're using Sprastic within your own ActorSystem. If you're not, refer to the above example which demonstrates usage outside of an ActorSystem.


To add a document with an id:

client ! Add("twitter", "tweet", s"""{"text": "chirp"}""", Some("1"))

To add without an id (relying on elasticsearch to auto-generate one):

client ! Add("twitter", "tweet", s"""{"text": "chirp"}""")

in both cases, you'll get back a spray.http.HttpResponse:

case response: HttpResponse => println(response)

    HttpResponse(200 OK,HttpEntity(application/json; charset=UTF-8,{"_index":"twitter","_type":"tweet","_id":"1","_version":2,"created":false}),List(Content-Length: 75, Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8),HTTP/1.1)


      val client = SprasticClient(context)
      client ! Get("twitter", "tweet", "1")
      //... in your Receive function
    case response: HttpResponse =>
      //prints: {"_index":"twitter","_type":"tweet","_id":"1","_version":2,"found":true, "_source" : {"text": "chirp"} }